ECCO-Freight Transport Services SL
, Madrid, Spain(Madrid, Head Office)
ID: 118277
Please remember that Companies with non-enrolled offices in the vicinity of places of origin, or final destination of shipment(s) are NOT covered by WCAworld Gold Medallion Plan for those specific shipments.
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ECCOFREIGHT started in 2014 as F. Forwarder providing experience and tools that give us a very distinctive personality. Our prime vision is differentiation through three fundamental values:
SPECIALIZATION*INNOVATION*SUSTAINABILITY SPECIALIZATION: Not all goods are equal. EccoFreight applies its know-how and specialization to the transport of goods according to their specific characteristics and needs. INNOVATION: Cutting edge technology and tools support our innovative identity in the field through a different and exclusive service. SUSTAINABILITY: Combining state-of-the-art technology in control and follow-up action in conjunction with sustainability and environment care, shows that being “green is being equally competitive”. We work hard to be a solid solution in new markets & fields where the potential of our Customers and World Wide Partners is fast developing. To the purpose EccoFreight has designed, developed and delivered a unique range of value-adding pioneering service-products and tools, bringing agility, on-time info and exhaustive control to our customers: - EccoTrack©: top-of-the-art cargo-tracking system that delivers full “ON-Line/ ON-Time” cargo control, 24/24 & 365/365. - TechnoFreight©: analytical cargo flow & Forecast information tool that allows a smarter decision making ahead on time, avoiding troubles and assisting our clients to find innovative and more efficient transport alternatives. -EccoPrint©: measures & reports in a simple and automatic fashion the CO2 emissions on the rendered services. No doubts knowing this impact would help you and your own clients to gain on environmental conscious and responsible Corp. Management. -EccontainerCare©: worldwide suitable Freight-Liners Containers selection for the transportation of goods intended for human consumption As we have been doing over 5 years already, we want now to introduce our innovative tools and services to LOGNET Network Members, professionally delivering them through our IT structure, EXPERT TEAM & WORK. It is on these grounds of innovation and professional excellence that EccoFreight has been awarded last 26 November 2016 by the CEPYME (Spain’s Small + Medium Size Companies Confd.) the "BEST ENTREPRENEURIAL PROJECT OF THE YEAR" category award –also ranked Finalist at "BEST COMPANY OF THE YEAR" award. You may access this info at: Further on, ECCOFREIGHT counts with following Certifications and recognitions: - IATA full Cargo Agent Status - FIATA Associate –thru Spanish ATEIA-FETEIA orgs - ISO 9001 – Management Processes - Certified by ACCM Independent Auditors - ISO 14001 – Environmental - Certified by ACCM Independent Auditors - ISO 14064 – GEI/CO2 – Certified by ACCM Independent Auditors |
c/Orense, 70 – 7º Izq.
Contact Details:
+34 912 04 95 65
Office Contacts:
Air Freight
Ocean Freight
Project Cargo
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