
We are safely back home and I would like to thank you for your hospitality and for the wonderful very well organized and memorable conference. Looking forward participating the next LOGNET conference, somewhere in Europe.

I already miss all of you, the atmosphere and the lovely people...Once again it was just perfect!

Everything was very well organized, meetings, food at cocktail, food during lunch, cruise, food and drinks at No IDEA

Congratulations on a very well run conference, always a pleasure to attend.

I wish to thank all of you for the warm welcome. This was our first year in LOGNET and definitely NOT the last. We feel richer with all the interactions we made with most of you and look forward to many more in future conferences. Let us collaborate, build business together and make a toast in 2019.
Brian and Team – you did really well, almost effortlessly. May all our solutions to clients mirror the same.
As we say in East Africa – ASANTE SANA (Swahili language for “Thank you”)!

Just want to say what a great job by you, and your team, with the conference. Was very well done and I was really impressed.
You do a great job and it is appreciated.

Thank you for the efforts on arranging such a big and wonderful event.

Congratulation for organizing a conference well appreciated by members. Frankly, a fine balance between business and relaxation and none dominating other.

Thank you for the email and the conference, I think it was very well organized and also at a great location, Thailand, offering nice and cheap activities and also affordable prices for high quality hotel and facilities, which is very important for all members. By my personal point of view Asia is always the best choice for the conferences
I also think the 20min meetings are better than longer ones, and as per my conversations with the rest of the agents this seem to be a general idea among all of us.
We will definitely be in touch for the remainder of 2018!!

Great meeting you organized, thanks

Just want to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone at Lognet for another superb conference. Looking forward to next year already

It was a great honor and privilege to join the Lognet conference and my experienced was an extraordinary one. Meeting our partners all over the world and growing the business in logistics.
Kudos to YOU and to your TEAM for the job well done!!! Good luck and thank you for the utmost support to our company-AGX

Thanks for your email & it was really great for us to join there & thanks once again to you & the team for organizing such a colorful & successful event. Hope to see you again in next year.

Just wanted to send you a quick email to thank you and your team on yet again another great and very successful conference. I think you raised the bar this year with the go-karts and boat trip & fireworks. I find these social functions a great opportunity for ICAL to meet our other agents in a more relaxes atmosphere and this is where the deals get done. The only problem you have is now how to top it next year. Thank you

Thanks so much for everything during the conference in Bangkok - Everything was just perfect!

It was my pleasure to appreciate you personally for this wonderful conference ever I attended since 2014 - this conference has so many positive feelings I would like to share with you:-
1. Well balanced between serious business meeting and well organized social gathering along with agents.
2. One to One meetings 20 mins. helped us to meet more number of agents during those 3 days.
3. Cruise ship tour with dinner was wonderful especially your dance on the floor also surprise fireworks added feather on your cap.
4. I have noticed our fellow agents and more new agents was very much appreciated the way you organized.
All well cheers for you ! we look forward to see you in next conference with similar set up and my best wishes to you and team members who was available as and when required.

First of all thank you for everything in BKK again it was really good organised event for us. Special thanks to you and your team!

We wanted to send you a personal note of appreciation and thank-you for the wonderful time we had at the recently concluded Lognet conference @ BKK!
The entire conference (both in and out of the hotel) was organised fastastically and would like to place on record the fabulous work done by Lognet/BKK team and to you for having lead the team from front!
The fireworks at the cruise was a real surprise element and thrilled many of us!!
The ending note too, at the pub was a fantastic time we all had (we were the last few to leave from the pub that night)!!
Cheers once again and thank-you very much. Please convey our best wishes to the Lognet/BKK Team!

Thank you for the hospitality we had at BKK. Looking forward for next yr. Do let us know the venue, hopefully somewhere in EUROPE.

It was a very good conference. Well organised, great location and very professional.
I am honoured to be part of this network.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Lognet Global headed by Brian for a job well done (It’s a blast)
I wish a fruitful business for everyone

Thanks again to you and all your staff for the great organization of the last meeting in BKK.
Hope the next one will be in Europe

It was indeed wonderful to meet with all at BKK and it was surely a great time indeed. Very well done to the Lognet Global team for organizing it in a very professional at the same time informal manner.
Look forward to working with each of you more in the coming year and thanking you all once again.

Thank you very much for the perfectly organized event and best regards from Switzerland.


I would like to say a BIG thank you for a job well done. The event was fantastic and very memorable. I am already looking forward to next year’s!

I would like to say THANK YOU for last week. It was my first conference, and the worst thing which I was expecting was really formal atmosphere. I was so wrong. Now, I'm 100% sure that I understand the reason, why do You all call our Network as LOGNET FAMILY.
Thank You All for everything. It was a pleasure to meet You, hope to have more and more opportunities to keep in touch.

Thank you very much for everything - I am satisfied as always. Your hospitality and direct contact with all of us is priceless.
The LOGNET GLOBAL conference is the most valuable from all meetings I am attending.
The level of all partners joining to this event is the highest all the time.
Besides of the business part of it, we also had a lot of fun together.
And this is the perfect mix, which creates opportunities. We can work, relax and develop our companies together.
Cheers! And see you next year!

To our dearest friends at Lognet, it was a great pleasure to catch up with many of you during our conference last week.
It is fair to say that a lot of work was done, and a lot of fun was had. Through both the work and the fun we achieved a lot, and cannot wait to work with you more closely during 2016 and see you again soon in 2017.
Love to all from Tomax!

Just a short mail thanking you and your team for a superbly run and co-ordinated event.
We were a bit apprehensive as this was our first Lognet Conference but we were made to feel more than welcome from you and your staff but most importantly your members, we have struck up many friendships both business and personal and hope that we it continues in the coming year.
We will see you in 2017 wherever that maybe !!!
Thanks again and it was a real pleasure to meet you.

It was a great week the last one, by now we both got home safely – and a bit tired.
I hope you both are ok, already at home or close to arrive.
Herewith I would like to thank you and your team the great arrangement in HCMC, we enjoyed the venue and it was a great opportunity for us with great people in a great place.

Firstly, a BIG thank you for another superbly run conference. We thoroughly enjoyed it & I'm hopeful of seeing the benifits from it during the next 12 months.

Thanking you for all the effort you put forth for the 6th Lognet Global conference meeting.
Though it was my first meeting with the group, I have thoroughly enjoyed and subsequent discussions were extremely informative. Once again, thank you for the arrangement and hospitality during our stay in Vietnam.
I am looking forward to seeing you in the near future. I wish you all well.

On behalf of Andrew, Daniel and myself, I would like to thank you for another great Lognet Conference. ICAL Australia has worked hard over the past 12 months to work with more Lognet agents, improve the service we offer our Lognet “partners” and winning the 2015 Best Partner Award shows the hard work the ICAL team have done. This year’s change of venue would have caused a lot of logistical problems for yourselves but from the outside, the conference was well ran and once again a huge success, you should also be proud of the work your team has done. Wherever the 2017 Lognet Conference is held, ICAL Australia are fully committed to attending as the benefits of attending cover all costs plus more.

Good day to all of you from Italy!
Just got back home and we take this opportunity to express our appreciations to all attendees for their courtesy and attention to our company and to our services. I do confirm that the same attention has been paid by our side to all the people and companies that we had the pleasure to meet and, for those who we did not have the chance, we hope we will be honored next time or maybe we will correspond during the present year.
A great thank goes to the organizers of this successful event and look forward to the next one wherever it may be held.
I wish to everyone a productive 2016 and shall keep at disposal since now for any need that might arise.

- Great Company
- Great Meeting
- Great Organisation
Very Impressed on my First Lognet Global Conference - Thank You all to have made it Happen Look forward to building a strong friendly and business partnership for the future Let’s Keep in touch

The Lognet Global conference is and will be an affair to look forward to, every year. Not just because of its primary intended existence which is business networking but the friendships built amongst members there too.
Congratulations to you and your team, for another successful event.

On behalf of my team, I would like to thank all of you for the valuable time we spent together in Vietnam. It was a blast.
Few we have chance to talk one-on-one, yet we feel warmth of friendship from everyone.
Congratulations to Lognet team for your effort.
Hope to see you all next year.

First of all thank you for the excellent organisation of the conference and the pleasant evenings had during Cocktail Welcome Party, Gala Dinner, and the last afternoon at the Biergarden.
I have much enjoyed it all and particularly I am satisfied with the many interesting meetings had. Thanks.

On behalf of all Lognet members I take this opportunity to thank you for the Job Well Done. Please convey this message to all other colleagues of Lognet whom were part of Conference Organising Committee for their hard work.
It was fantastic to meet and greet you again.

Thank you for this great week to HCM
I wanted to grateful you for the organization as usually perfect.

Would like to thank the Lognet Global team to organise an great event in a friendly country. Really appreciate the efforts of each & everyone who had put in to organise this conference. I very much hope everyone returned home safe and sound.
As a 1st time participant in Lognet Conference, we felt the warmth with the BUSINESS ASSOCIATES across the globe, would like to thank each & everyone for making it happen. We had taken lot of learning from the LOGNET CONFERENCE which was a great place to make friend, renew the old acquaintances and to have discussion and exchange of many experiences, suggestions and opinions with decisions makers, from all over the world.

I want to thank you for the good support of Lognet to Across Logistics.
I want to thank you for the good conference that you held.
I want to thank you for the good work and care that you are doing an taking during the whole year.
This conference has been special for us and the Prize won give us so much Energy for the future. It is good to get your work recognized and this set us high levels to improve.
Across Logistics has LOGNET as our KEY and MOST VALUABLE Network in our portfolio.
Thanks and all the best!!

Lognet has proved to be a solid and trustworthy organization and I am 100 % sure all members will have benefits of joining this group. Lognet Global - A NETWORK THAT WORKS

Just wanted to thank you one more time for a great 5th Annual Conference in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. Great attendance, venue, and logistics

Lognet Global has the feel of what we have been looking for in an Association. Having just left the annual meeting we found this organization to be: Well organized, with good solid companies around the world, and most important a sense of how they want to help its member grow internally with each other. We are just back and have had numerous correspondence and new business in less than a week. We look forward to being a part of this group for a long time

Had a great time at the 5th Annual Conference HCMC, Vietnam, was well worth it for us at ICAL. The whole ICAL team in Australia is very excited about the award and are going to try harder to get number 1 next year. Lots of work ahead for the 3 of us to follow up all our meetings but we are looking forward to it. Great work on this years conference and we are looking forward to the next one (where ever that may be), all three of us will be going again

Lognet Global has been the greatest asset to our international network this year. I am very impressed with the agents we are working with in the group, as are our clients. Our partners are well screened, highly professional, and easy to communicate with.

I would like you accept my deep graditudes for your hospitality and great organization. I have been telling all our employees how wonderfully arranged and how fruitfull the meetings were. I am looking forward to the next Meeting. We are so proud to be a member of this elite network.

It was a great experience all together. The conference and the arrangements were simply high class. Altogether it was a meaningful experience with exchange of territorial ideas between the agents. Most importantly very friendly Lognet members. We never felt that we are away from home.

The 5th conference has been for us the proof that Lognet works like a Swiss watch ! The contact between associates is improving year after year, and we are very satisfied how it has worked on this last meeting. If only 10% of what we discussed in this meeting becomes reality we will be more than happy

I want this year to offer you my feedback with regards to our 5th Annual Conference HCMC, Vietnam. As You know we participated in all five conferences so far and in my opinion it is quite impressive and nice to see how the LOGNET GLOBAL group developed over the past FIVE years. Our experience showed that traffic within the group increased in mid-term range after the conferences every year and we are optimistic that it will be the same after this year’s conference as well. At least there is one thing that always has to be considered as the greatest benefit of those conferences: the communication between members gets up to a completely new level once meeting our partners face to face. I personally regard most of the Lognet Partners as friends now and think that there is no multinational competitor who is working so closely together with his worldwide stations as it is done within the “LOGNET Family”. Thanks again for your good work and coordination and keep it up.

we are grateful to you people for given us such a wonderful opportunity . When we joined with Lognet, we were only in project shipments. During the meeting sessions we got several new ideas, vital information about new areas, new friends and partners. We already began to explore those areas; I hope it will be beneficial for us and our partners too