TFA Cargo Logistics Ltda
, Santos, Brazil(Santos, Head Office)
ID: 86248
Warning: Sending shipments to any Brazilian Port, Air or Sea without consent from your Brazilian WCAworld member could lead you to paying heavy fines due to the very strict Importation Laws imposed by Brazilian Customs. Please always check with your WCAworld partner in Brazil and send all documents beforehand for them to check and confirm the shipment can be sent, in fact this is a good practice for any Country you are exporting to.
WCAworld Gold Medallion Financial Protection Program *
The following offices of this member are enrolled:
* Only these offices are covered and protected under this program.
Please remember that Companies with non-enrolled offices in the vicinity of places of origin, or final destination of shipment(s) are NOT covered by WCAworld Gold Medallion Plan for those specific shipments.
Member of
Association / Certificate / License
We are a Brazilian Freight forwarder, a leader in the international multimodal transport, offering solutions for air, maritime and Inland transport. We are currently seeking a partner in your country that can fulfill our expectations and where we can mutually benefit from that partnership. Our intentions are the development of traffics between our countries and exchange commercial information that can promote that development as sales leads, routing orders and free hand shipments. TFA Cargo Logistics acts in import and export as both Freight Forwarder and NVOCC. This gives us greater flexibility in the choice of carriers, routes and transit times, allowing competitive freight FCL and LCL, with contracts with the principal Carriers and also a great relationship that we have been constructing for many years. Our Maritime services include: *Container Services *Ro-Ro Services *Special Projects *Break Bulk *Insurance If your priority is speed, we have the solution. We have great relationship with airline companies and great rates, offering multiple options of loading to our clients. TFA Cargo Logistics have one national and international air department dedicated exclusively to this mode. We can handle solutions for all requirements, from simple shipments to project air cargo, also offering the possibility of chartering if necessary. TFA can provide trucking service through national and international partnerships with renowned companies in the market. This allows us to offer an integrated solution, connecting different multimodal services and with 100% of control of all the process, with the support of one of the best track & trace services TFA works in the import and export operations, always offering the best cost/benefit. Our field of activity includes the main ports, airports and borders. Always seeking for the best solutions we have at your disposal our customs clearance service. This includes one of the most responsible departments, because when we talk about duties, TFA have the solution, offering the best way to nationalize your goods in Brazil. |
1920 Pedro Lessa Ave., 5° floor. room 55,
Sao Paulo, Santos, Brazil
CEP: 11025-002
Sao Paulo, Santos, Brazil
CEP: 11025-002
Contact Details:
+55 13 3326-4637, +55 13 3327-9241, +55 13 3061-0463
+55 13 3326-4637
Office Contacts:
Commercial Director
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