Newblock S.L.

, Barcelona, Spain
(Barcelona, Head Office)
ID: 75815
WCAworld Gold Medallion Financial Protection Program *
The following offices of this member are enrolled:
* Only these offices are covered and protected under this program.
Please remember that Companies with non-enrolled offices in the vicinity of places of origin, or final destination of shipment(s) are NOT covered by WCAworld Gold Medallion Plan for those specific shipments.
Member of
Association / Certificate / License
Expires: Jul 16, 2026
Click on the link in Downloads section below: Biopharma Division
Carrer De Corsega 299, 5 ª Planta,
08008-Barcelona, Spain

Contact Details:
+34 932 68 15 68
+34 933 10 53 53, +34 933 78 84 46
Emergency Call:
+34.65.893.11.72/ +34.66.604.72.55
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